dr pop secrets of fatigue
Dr. Pop’s Secrets of Fatigue

In this book we tell you what really is fatigue, how it happens, what you can do and how you can turn it around. We tell you what, when, and how to eat, what not to eat or drink, what dietary supplements to take, what works and what does not! We expose the most common myths and false concepts that can derail you from success.

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Power Source One is a high impact, pharmaceutical strength, premium daily nutritional supplement, designed, used and recommended by Dr. Pop. It contains activated vitamins, minerals, and all the daily  needed for great health, energy and longevity.

dr pop secrets of good health
Dr. Pop’s Secrets of Health - Health 101

In this book we tell you simple and clear general principles of good health. Dr. Pop tells you what, when, and how to eat, what not to eat or drink, what dietary supplements to take, what to do and what not to do go change your health for the better. There are no other health books like this, written in clear, simple and practical terms without much science talk or complex medical studies. 
