The Virome: 10 Facts about Viruses You Might Not Know
The COVID pandemic has put viruses and virology front and center in public consciousness. It has also triggered an unprecedented surge in viral research, with hundreds of new papers posting every day. All that we are now learning underscores how little we really know about the virome—the fascinating and vast world of viruses. What is…
Read MoreRationale for Vitamin C Treatment of COVID-19 and Other Viruses
Epidemics seem to be on the rise: in a total of 98 epidemics in the 200 years of 19th and 20th centuries, there were 14 epidemics with 1000 or more deaths. However, in the last 20 years, in a total of 63 epidemics, there have already been 11 epidemics with more than 1,000 deaths.…
Read MoreA Common Medication Has Been Linked to Double The Risk of Stomach Cancer
A class of drugs commonly used to treat acid reflux and heartburn has been linked to a greater-than-doubled risk of developing stomach cancer, a study has found. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are used to suppress acid production in the stomach and are among the most widely sold drugs in the world, but a 2017 study…
Read MoreDiet as Lifestyle
Diet as Lifestyle Two of the most crucial lifestyle elements are diet and exercise. We must face this truth early on if we are to have any chance of fighting any chronic illness: If you want a permanent victory, you must cut all carbohydrates out of the diet. In spite of the conflicting reports…
Read MoreFluorescent Lights, Microwaves and Alcohol
Fluorescent Lights, Microwaves and Alcohol Fluorescent Lights Fluorescent lights are not good for us because they are not comprised of a natural spectrum of light. The light is bluer, and the frequencies of light are not balanced. On top of that, fluorescent light is not continuous light; it flickers at a rate of…
Read MoreA Few Food Facts
A Few Food Facts Concentrated Carbohydrates Believe it or not, the amount of carbohydrates required by humans for health is ….. zero. This is the overwhelming consensus of scientific wisdom today. Proteins and fat are essential to life, but carbs are not. Our body systems are well built. We do not need…
Read MoreEating Well and Losing Weight
Eating Well and Losing Weight The number of people who are diet and weight illiterate is staggering, even among highly educated individuals. To make matters worse, this degree of ignorance and confusion is intentionally and carefully maintained and perpetuated by the media and commercial interests. Libraries full of books have been written…
Read MoreBottles and Fluoride
Bottles and Fluoride Plastic Bottles These days, plastic is the most widely used packing material. It is inexpensive and moldable, light and economic. However, this common material has a very dark side. Not only do plastics harm our environment, but they can harm human beings in a much more direct way than you…
Read MoreSugar and Smoking
Leaving Bad Habits Behind: Sugar and Smoking We live in a world caught up in a wide variety of addictions. Millions suffer from addiction to drugs, alcohol, and smoking, but there are also those who are addicted to other things, like television, food or sugar. Everything we do can turn into a habit or…
Read MoreYou Can’t Be REALLY Healthy If You Don’t:
You Can’t Be REALLY Healthy If You Don’t: Breathe clean air. Sleep 8 hours a night. Eat only natural, mostly raw, not man-made or man-altered food. Drink only water and plenty of it. Eat little, mostly plants, and fast often. Exercise regularly. Detoxify the body. Quit smoking,…
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