Dr. Pop M.D., medical doctor, speaker, author and researcher decides to publicly announce..
WARNING: Medical Doctor’s Amazing New Technology:
A Liquid Concentrate Shows You How Anyone Can Possibly Cure & Prevent Infectious Diseases Or Your Money Back!!!
Discover the Immune-Boosting Elixir the US Army Secretly Slips Into Every Soldier's Backpack...
Now You Can Finally Keep Fit And Stay Healthy, Just By Drinking This Miracle Fluid That Medical Doctors Call “Unbelievable”!

“I noticed a remarkable difference. My young people can’t keep up with me. I am a pastor. I work 60 hrs a week and I have more energy than a 30 year old!”
– Dave G.
“I have experienced remarkable benefits personally with energy and vitality, and I have taken supplements of all kinds for nearly 20 years. Yours have produced incredible results for me with my exercise, daily energy and mental sharpness.”
– Andy C.
“I can’t believe the difference that I feel.”
Elizabeth A
“There is very few products in my life that I liked like yours”
James D.
From: The Desk of Dr. Calin V. Pop, MD
From the Desk of Dr. Calin Pop M.D.
Dear Friend
You are about to find out about this revolutionary product, that is arguably the best liquid anti-infectious, ‘healing’ agent on the market right now.
So, today I want to let you in on a closely-guarded secret that the military has been using for their soldiers to combat everyday sickness and disease and to disinfect wounds in the field.
Former Air Force Surgeon General, P.K. Carlton, had this to say about it:
“The anti-microbial has undergone rigorous testing and has been found to kill Anthrax, Plague, MRSA and SARS (in the lab). It is the first new anti-microbial for the hospitals in many years. In addition it is non-toxic to humans. We currently do not have anything with such a wide spectrum of efficacy in our inventory.”
It is called Colloidal Silver and it will change your life forever.
Seriously, it will.
But first, you need to know something critically important that most bottling companies won’t tell you.
You don’t know it yet but…
You’ve Been Drinking Dirty,
Filthy Water, Soups, Liquids..

In case you didn’t know, the water you drink from your household or local community tap has been recycled a mammoth 12 times before it even enters your mouth. The municipal water in the US is reported to filter liquids at a 95% clean rate. This means that there’s a 5% chance that the water you’re drinking is not completely clean at all!
Going on regular trips where you could be exposed to high levels of infection or consumption of contaminated liquids, you want peace of mind that your health is not at risk.
In fact, bacteria, funguses and viruses can be found even in the household in areas we think are ‘safe‘ for the family. These ailments can cause victims to be bed ridden, infected, weak, even facing death and agony.
In order to curb this problem, you will need a solution that can defend you from these health risks and keep you and your family from debilitating and irritating illnesses.
What We Offer
Actually, the Safest, Most Concentrated True Coated Colloidal Silver on the Market Right Now
It Has Been Specifically Designed To Give You:
The silver particles do not clump, cluster or cling to tissues. Best and safest colloidal silver for internal use.
Effective but gentle. Has enough power to eradicate some of the most dangerous pathogens known to man.
You can place it in cola, soups, tea and will not chemically react with them. Stays in suspension for years.
True Colloidal Silver

The World's Best Coated Colloidal Silver Concentrate
Amazing New Technology
Just One Drop!

“There is very few products in my life that I liked like yours”
James D.
“I can’t believe the difference that I feel.”
Elizabeth A
“I noticed a remarkable difference. My young people can’t keep up with me. I am a pastor. I work 60 hrs a week and I have more energy than a 30 year old!”
– Dave G.
“I have experienced remarkable benefits personally with energy and vitality, and I have taken supplements of all kinds for nearly 20 years. Yours have produced incredible results for me with my exercise, daily energy and mental sharpness.”
– Andy C.
But, … you might still be thinking
Ok, Who Are You And Why Should I Even Listen To YOU?
My name Dr. Calin V. Pop M.D. and I am a professional medical practitioner, speaker, author, and entrepreneur. I am the founder and president of Unique Health Solutions, a medical center combining traditional medicine with the most cutting edge alternative, complementary and self improvement techniques.
I have successfully treated thousands of individuals over the last 25 years & have over 35 years experience in the medical field, having a deep passion for helping & transforming people’s lives through medicinal science and procedure.
Over the years I have researched the effects of how a special substance called True Colloidal Silver that can prevent the harmful effects that viruses, infections and bacteria cause to the body.
Colloidal Silver has been proven to protect individuals that use it against the onslaught of bacteria and treat bacterial infections.
Look, I am not talking about the silver that you find in the jewelry store that is sold candidly to young couples for their wedding ceremony.
No. I’m talking about a special colloidal silver concentrate, a medically formulated, powerful, little-known liquid form that can have profound effects towards living a fit, healthy & active lifestyle for those that use it.

Colloidal Silver concentrate can be diluted in water, soups, tea, soda-pop, coffee or any other water based liquid you may think of.
Our colloidal Silver Concentrate comes in a 5 cc vial giving you 68 drops, enough for a treatment or 2-3 months of treatment or 5-7months of prevention.
A usual dose of 1 drop (there are 16 drops per cc) in your liquids every day or every other day will treat most infections if taken for a week or so before, or simply adding 1 drop once or twice a week in any liquid daily will give you a long lasting prevention. You will be free from infections & worry.
In case you missed it, my Colloidal Silver concentrate is right now the best product out in the market. And I’m not just saying that either.
Our product was tested and proven in a US Government/US Air Force laboratory against Ebola like viruses – from the same family of hemorrhagic viruses as Ebola, but less virulent so that researchers would be safe.
The result: Our Colloidal Silver eradicated the virus in 48 hours or less. By the time 2 days passed, there was no trace of the virus left in the sample.
Now, this is impressive if you ask me. Not many competitors can say this.
Why do I say our colloidal silver is different and why do I call it a concentrate?
Because our colloidal silver solution is so concentrated that you can dilute it 20-25 times and it will still be more concentrated than almost all commercially available products on the market right now.
Colloidal Silver concentrate can be diluted in water, soups, tea, soda-pop, coffee or any other water based liquid you may think of.
Our colloidal Silver Concentrate comes in a 5 cc vial giving you 68 drops, enough for a treatment or 2-3 months of treatment or 5-7months of prevention.
A usual dose of 1 drop (there are 16 drops per cc) in your liquids every day or every other day will treat most infections if taken for a week or so before, or simply adding 1 drop once or twice a week in any liquid daily will give you a long lasting prevention. You will be free from infections & worry.
In case you missed it, my Colloidal Silver concentrate is right now the best product out in the market. And I’m not just saying that either.
Our product was tested and proven in a US Government/US Air Force laboratory against Ebola like viruses – from the same family of hemorrhagic viruses as Ebola, but less virulent so that researchers would be safe.
The result: Our Colloidal Silver eradicated the virus in 48 hours or less. By the time 2 days passed, there was no trace of the virus left in the sample.
Now, this is impressive if you ask me. Not many competitors can say this.
Why do I say our colloidal silver is different and why do I call it a concentrate?
Because our colloidal silver solution is so concentrated that you can dilute it 20-25 times and it will still be more concentrated than almost all commercially available products on the market right now.

Ultra Concentrated 20,000 ppm
Proprietary Patented Composition

Best Coated Colloidal Silver Concentrate
Dr. Pop's recommended colloidal silver is a state-of-the-art, advanced true colloidal silver solution used for antibacterial and antiviral applications. The silver particles are each coated with a biocompatible polymer that allows silver ions to disperse. This is important as silver ions are the true antibacterial fighters. Colloidal silver provides a gentle steady supply of silver ions as opposed to transparent ionic silver which is too aggressive.
By far the most concentrated and most stable nano biosilver available on the market.
Colloidal Silver concentrate can be diluted in water , soups, tea, soda-pop, coffee or any other water based liquid you may think of.
Our colloidal Silver Concentrate comes in a 5 cc vial giving you 100 drops, enough for a treatment or 3-5 months of prevention.
A usual dose of one drop (there are 20 drops per cc) in your liquids every day or every other day will prevent most infections if taken for a week or so before, or simply adding 15 – 20 drops in any liquid daily will give you a week of treatment.
Why do I say our colloidal silver is different and why do I call it a concentrate?
Because our colloidal silver solution is so concentrated that you can dilute it 20-25 times and it will still be more concentrated than almost all commercially available products on the market right now.
Click Each Line To Find Out Great Benefits of Our Colloidal Silver

Why Is Our Colloidal Silver The BEST?
In fact, here are some great reasons why our True Colloidal Silver concentrate is your best choice:
Our Silver is 20-25,000 ppm, which means it is really easy & inexpensive to dilute and transport. Nobody else comes close. This is patented technology.
Think of how your family will thank you for providing & keeping them safe from harm, even when you go on your amazing outdoor adventures.
Think of the peace of mind you will have once in unknown environments because your liquids will be protected by a proven substance that is known to work & protect.
My first concern when I developed this concentrate was safety. Therefore, my Colloidal silver concentrate contains absolutely no drugs. It is made up of 100% natural ingredients.
Our colloidal silver is safe to use. Actually, I went to great lengths to find studies and documents proving the safety of this kind of colloidal silver. The overwhelming conclusion was that roundly shaped colloidal silver with a particle size of 10-20 nm is the safest colloidal silver particles one can get. Very safe!
In fact, there was no scientific proof – NONE WHATSOEVER! - showing that non-coated roundly shaped nanoparticles of 10-20 nm in size are unsafe for any individual who ingests them. However, our colloidal concentrate is coated with a natural ingredient, which makes it even more safe, as it prevents clumping, aggregation and trapping in the tissues.
However, just to be on a very, very safe side please always follow the dilution guidelines.
For example JUST ONE DROP in 50 ml or 2 drops in 100 ml of any liquid will result in a 20 ppm concentration more than you usually get sold for $29.97 on the net.
Our Silver Concentrate is SOO easy to order.
Just click any “Click Here To Buy!” button on this page now and you will be directed to the processing page to process your purchase.
Follow the instructions, where you will be required to simply provide your details & particulars, after which you will be directed to checkout for easy processing.
And It doesn’t matter where in the world you live, International shipping for Colloidal Silver is available for global transportation at the much reduced cost due to it being a concentrate. It will be shipped to your front door for your convenience.

But wait..
As an added incentive, I have also included the following below bonuses for those who will order before midnight tonight:
The First 10 People Who Order A Colloidal Silver Vial Today Will Also Receive The Following Bonuses:
BONUS #2: A Strategy - How To Choose The BEST Colloidal Silver PDF ($27.97 Value)
Until now you likely take colloidal silver - or are afraid to take - based on what others occasionally recommend or based on what you read on the internet. You don’t have a strategy at all about what kind of colloidal silver you may take daily, which colloidal silver products are available, which are hyped and what all those terms you hear often actually mean. This report will provide all this and open your eyes!

BONUS #4: Dilution Guidelines ($15.00 Value)
This dilution guidelines will allow you to design and make your on custom colloidal silver concentration or PPM.
Make any amount of PPM you want up to 20,000 PPM.
Dilute Your colloidal silver concentrate down to the exact number of PPM you want.



Colloidal Silver comes with a no quibbles, no questions asked, 30 day money back guarantee. If for any reason, you find that my product isn’t perfect for you, just send it back to me any time within 30 days and I’ll buy it back from you at the full purchase price. You have up to a full month to use the Colloidal Silver product without any obligation to keep it – to make sure that it is everything I say and more.