The Solution to Muscle Cramps and Spasms Is Finally Here
Achieve the Relief You Deserve, Never Let Muscle Cramps and Spasms Make Your Life Miserable
Starts Working Immediately! | 90% + Success Rate
From: Dr. Calin V. Pop, MD
Re: How to Fight Cramps and Spasms Quickly? (90% + Success Rate)
Dear Friend,
If you are a high performing professional like a musician, a pianist, a violinist or a dancer you certainly had painful cramps coming out of the blue. The BIG problem for performing artists is that...
Cramp “attacks” can hit any time at the most inopportune times!
Do you have or just fear that you might have crippling muscle cramps exactly when you need them the least, in the middle of life-changing auditions, rehearsals, concerts, galas and high stake performances?
Never be afraid of cramps and spasms on worst timing. Congratulations! You have just found a treasure for your career!
If you are ready to be amazed, go on.
Muscle cramps CAN and WILL make your life miserable.
They usually come out of nowhere and happen at the MOST inconvenient times!
If you are a performing artist you can’t afford to let your professional life being ruined by annoying, pesky cramps coming out of blue sky, whenever you need them the least.
It seems that leg cramps are more likely to occur during or after strenuous activity, but that is not always the case. They often happen out of the blue, seemingly for no reason at all or while just a small stretch. In some people, cramps can be so persistent that they effect daily or professional functioning and lead to other issues like performance anxiety, lack of self confidence, sleep problems, fatigue and even depression.
Dr. Pop says...
Electrolyte, calcium and magnesium deficiency is a major hidden cause of muscle cramps throughout the body, and no prescription medication can fix it.
In fact, 80% of cramp sufferers have a severe calcium/magnesium imbalance. Without magnesium, for example, your body is missing its most important natural relaxing agent and a major defense agent against pain, swelling, tension and inflammation.
Studies show that aggressively fixing deficiencies and correcting electrolyte imbalances can eliminate night time leg cramps (or any other cramps) and prevent them in the future.

Relax N Play Is Unique and Not Sold In Stores
Unique Supplement for Cramps & Spasms
Specially Formulated For Professional Artists and Performers
Starts working immediately, relief in a few hours or days
90% Success Rate
More than 90% success rate for true muscle cramps.
Only Natural Ingredients. No toxic fillers or additives.
Relax N Play® – A Unique Supplement for Cramps & Spasms
For Professional Artists and Performers
Get It Now!
Your Professional Life and Livelihood Is At Stake!
When You Want Your Cramps Gone
✔ Exclusive Professional Formula ✔ MD Recommended ✔ Ingredient Balance And Strength
Receive Relax N Play monthly and SAVE.
You can cancel the monthly subscription at any time and retain the savings.
Think of all you will gain – the cost of this product pales in comparison to the great benefits you stand to receive.
In our experience, about 90% of people get results from our product. The relief occurs in a few hours or days. Most people experience a complete resolution of the cramps. We go so far as to say that if the cramps are not gone in four days, then they are not true muscle spasms. The pain may be from a different source (circulation for example). This is why we offer the 100% Guarantee -- to give you plenty of time to see if it works for you.
Although everyone responds differently, most people see results within their first four day course.
I personally guarantee that you’ve never had anything like Relax N Play. If your cramps are not gone, and I mean COMPLETELY GONE in just a few days I don't want your money! Simply return the bottle to me, opened as it may be, and owe me nothing. I will give you a full refund, no questions asked, no hard feelings and your bonuses remain yours forever.

The first 5 people today to order Relax N Play will also receive the following bonuses:
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$125 Value Yours Today!
BONUS #1: Health 101 Book PDF ($47.97 Value)
The PDF version of “Dr. Pop’s Secrets of Good Health. Health 101. Inspirational Health Advice for the Open-Minded”.
You will gain special access to my newly released book, which will show you ‘little-known’ yet effective natural ways to improve your health. Now you can finally feel healthy, vibrant and energized every single day, using these perfectly safe and natural methods.
BONUS #2: A Strategy To Take Nutritional Supplements PDF ($47.97 Value)
Until now you likely take supplements based on what others occasionally recommend or based on what you see on TV. You don’t have a strategy at all about what supplements you need to take daily, which supplements are an utmost priority, what supplements you absolutely MUST take based on your age and how you need to structure your daily supplement intake. This report will provide all this and open your eyes!

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PS: You don't have to take Cramp Defense everyday. It is intentionally formulated to take the day when you have cramps and three days after. If and when you may have another cramp, whether this happens in two days, two weeks or two years, you take Cramp Defense again, for four days.
P.P.S: As I stated, Relax N Play™ is 100% guaranteed for 30 days! We are so confident you will see positive results, we offer a unique 100% Guarantee: if you want to return your bottle within 30 days of purchase, even if you have used the entire bottle, we will refund your credit card 100% - NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

Dr. Calin V. Pop, MD