Learn How To Coach Your Diabetic Clients And Make It a VERY Successful Business
Help Your Clients Reverse Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes
Without Medications In Three Months or Less
Eradicate Diabetes, One Person at a Time!
From: The Desk of Dr. Calin V. Pop, MD
Re: ATTENTION ALL HEALTH COACHES: Reverse Your Clients' Diabetes in Three Months or Less
Each year, millions of diabetics set health goals for themselves, but millions of those goals go unmet when people become sick, suffer, and even die. Why? There are basically two reasons:
1. They don’t know what they don’t know
2. They don’t have the right guidance, systems and accountability
Even when a diabetic knows exactly what needs to be done, there is often no commitment or consistent action to reach the goals. This lack of accountability is a habit, and it will be a constant roadblock to any health success unless it’s eradicated and replaced by new, productive habits.
The good news is...this is where you come to help! Wanna now how? Keep going.
Looking to Expand Your Health Coaching Business?
If you are looking to expand your Health Coaching business into a great new field, Dr. Pop’s Lifeline Method for Diabetes is right for you. Dr. Pop's goal for you is to make your coaching successful as quickly as possible.
Become A Lifeline Method For Diabetes Certified Coach
Designed for Health Coaches like you, Lifeline Method for Diabetes is a complete system you can coach. It is systematically designed for you to help your clients reverse Diabetes without medication in THREE MONTHS or even LESS.
What more could you ask for? Step by step guidance, materials, tools, resources and support will be provided only for you!
Being a health coach requires commitment and some learning, and has it’s challenges, however, it could be a very rewarding career path for you.
You will learn to implement a lucrative a Twelve-Week Lifeline Method For Diabetes Health Coaching Program which will guide, motivate, and hold clients accountable to their goals, aiming to reverse diabetes or pre-diabetes.
Educate, Coach, Guide and Inspire
Don’t let open minded people become a victim of physician ignorance and the inadequacies of mainstream medicine. If this is your calling... Good news! You just found the right place.
I’m looking to expand my reach and my legacy even further than ever before and I am looking for Health Coaches, Marketing partners and founders!
These initial founders I will work with to help them succeed and create great health coaching businesses.
I will teach you how and support you all the way!
Help Your Clients Reverse Their Diabetes
(Without Medication In Three Months or Less)
How can you do it? This is where I come in.
I figured out all the steps so you don’t have to. I created a revolutionary step by step method for Health Coaches on how to reverse Diabetes and pre-Diabetes!
I learned the hard way so you can learn quick. THE SYSTEM IS READY FOR YOU.
“How would you like to tap into a SYSTEM that works, that is already created and done for you, together with all the Support, Tools and Resources?"
(All You Have to Do Is Follow The Steps)
Are you ready?
To make a meaningful change in your life and business, you really need a system. The good news is this is where I can help you.
The basic concept is simple: Once you learn it, you can apply it over and over again, 100%. You will have a 100% NEW and COMPLETE SYSTEM for you to use and run your new business.
Who Am I And Why Should You Listen To Me?
My name is Dr. Calin V. Pop, M.D. and I am a professional medical doctor, meaning I treat patients daily, and also a speaker, author, and researcher.
I am the founder and president of Unique Health Solutions, a medical center combining traditional medicine with the most cutting edge alternative, complementary and self-improvement techniques.
✔ I’m a Real, Licensed, Internal Medicine Medical Doctor with over 25 years hands-on experience
✔ Author of many popular health books including “Dr. Pop’s Secrets of Diabetes – What Your Doctor Never Told You”
✔ I Helped Thousands Improve and Reverse Diabetes
✔ I Have Extensive Hospital Experience
✔ I Am an Expert in Conventional and Unconventional Medicine
✔ Expert Nutritional Supplement Designer and Anti-Aging Doctor
✔ Always searching for the out-of-the box, hidden solutions that nobody knows about
✔ I am an author of at least 10 original books on healthcare subjects
✔ I am a Contributing Author The Life Extension Textbook for Disease Prevention and Treatment
I have successfully treated thousands of individuals over the last 25 years and have hands-on, practical experience in the medical field, having a deep passion for helping and transforming people’s lives through medicinal science.
You Might Ask
Why Diabetes?
- Impressive market size, great need
- 100 million in the USA (CDC Report)
- 55% of adults in California have either diabetes or prediabetes
- A huge untapped market (1 in 2 Americans - Per CDC)
- Misunderstood and incorrectly treated condition
- Underdiagnosed and Undertreated
- Treated late by doctors: Huge Opportunity for YOU
- Doctors generally don’t treat unless late and severe
- When they treat, it is often skimpy
- They rarely they use diet, coaching and natural ways
- It is a huge untapped market segment ready for you to enter.
- Individuals, groups, corporate, associations…you have it all!
- Use breakthrough concepts and ideas as shown in Dr. Pop’s book, "The Secrets of Diabetes"
Why Pre-Diabetes Need Coaching?
Serious damages happen during pre-diabetes.
By the time diabetes happens, patients already HAVE under-the-radar complications:
- Kidney impairment
- Vision Loss
- Neuropathy
- Atherosclerosis
Why Diabetes Education?
◉ High Blood Sugar is the big problem
◉ Confusing guidelines and concepts
◉ Diet and Lifestyle are the Cause and the ONLY solution
◉ Health Coaching is ESSENTIAL
◉ The main problem is high blood sugar
◉ Glucose is a soft killer
◉ Education and coaching are key
◉ Present concepts are obsolete
Effects of Even Slightly Elevated Glucose is Deadly
Old ranges are obsolete. New glucose ranges are less than 86 mg/dL. The lower, the better!
If someone has diabetes, they almost certainly already have heart disease.
Because the medical community has failed to wake up to the life-shortening impact of pre-diabetes, it is up to individuals and their coaches to take charge and make adjustments.
These individuals need YOUR coaching and expert guidance.
Why Detect and Reverse Diabetes?
It kills one person every 8 seconds and 230,000 people each year. It is the leading cause of Blindness, Heart Disease and Amputations.
When you have Diabetes, there are risks of:
- Dying 10-15 Years Earlier
- 6x Risk Of Heart Attacks
- 3x Risk Of Fatal Stroke
- 4x Risk Of Heart Failure
- 400x Risk Of Losing A Leg
A clear plan for business success, ongoing consultations and feedback.
You can ask questions and receive answers, advice, and valuable feedback.
Discuss your particular business milestones, goals and expectations.
What You'll Receive
- Books
- E Books
- New Ideas
- Guidelines
- Training
- Handouts
- Plans
- Strategies
- Products
- Charts
- Materials
- Checklists
- Education
- Coaching
- Solutions
- Concepts
- Samples
- Support
What Else Will You Receive?
- Sample Ads
- Marketing Materials
- Places To Advertise
- Ideas for Joint Ventures
- Getting Your First Meeting Up
- Motivational Materials for Clients
- Proprietary Nutritional Supplements
And... ALL the SUPPORT you need!
How Does Lifeline Method Work?
After you get certified, you simply market the system as group or private coaching for diabetes. You charge for it and make money for every client you enroll.
Are you limited to your local area? Absolutely not!
For every client, you can make $1,000 to $2,000...And more!
You can charge much more for private coaching then you can charge for maintenance programs should you wish to.
You only need 1-3 clients a year to break even. Can you imagine having just 50 clients combined, or 100...or 200!
On a conference call, there is no difference on how many clients you can have. I can teach you how to market the system online. There is no limit on how many clients you can have on a weekly conference call from anywhere.
You can combine local and long distance any way it suits you.
I have already done all the work for you:
✔ I wrote a revolutionary book about diabetes containing brand new concepts.
✔ I built the training course for you.
✔ I built the course guideline you will deliver.
✔ I set up very competitive laboratory testing across the country.
✔ I set up proprietary, high quality nutritional supplements for diabetes.
What Is Your Client Signing Up For?
✔ 12 Weekly Call-In Conferences With You
✔ A Course Manual, Book, Workbook
✔ All the Correct Principles, Processes, Tools
✔ All The Resources and Support
✔ Diabetes Laboratory Testing Before and After
✔ A Proprietary Diabetes Health Index
✔ Very Special Proprietary Nutritional Supplements for Diabetes
A Two Day Certification Course (Good for One Year) Value $ 3,997.00
(The Certification Will Be Live Online Unless We Sign Less Than Ten Health Coaches)
What ELSE Do You Receive When You Sign Up Today?
Get Instant Access To These Amazing Bonus Gifts
$9,000.00 Value Yours Today!
BONUS #1: Printed Materials and Manuals for You and Your Clients. ($517.00 Value)
You Will Receive a Complete Set of Books, Manuals and Support Materials. You Will Receive Training and Support Manuals for You The Coach and a set of Book, Workbook and Manual for EACH of Your Clients! You will have in writing what to do, say and how to guide your clients every step of the way. You will receive tools, resources, documents, charts, lists and all the support using them.
BONUS #2: Additional Training Upon Demand ($997.00 Value)
You may re-attend any two subsequent Lifeline Method Certification Programs a full year from the first certification date. Upon demand, you may have one-on-one quarterly conference calls personally with Dr. Pop. You can discuss any aspect of the Lifeline Method for Diabetes Coaching Program
BONUS #3: Twelve Monthly Webinars ($1,797.00 Value)
You will have access and be able to participate in 12 monthly webinars with all the trainers and Lifeline Method Health Coaches like you. You will be able to ask questions, clarify concepts, prevent problems, learn protocols and most importantly receive feedback.
BONUS #4: Marketing Materials and Guidance ($697.00 Value)
You will receive ongoing marketing support and guidance from Dr. Pop. You will receive documents, tools and samples of marketing and advertisement ideas including room set-up sample, speaking introduction sample, press release sample, consulting agreement sample, places to advertise, handout for clients and sample ads.
BONUS #5: Yearlong Customer Support ($1,997.00 Value)
I want you to succeed! I realize that without ongoing support and guidance you don't stand a chance. I am offering yearlong customer support for you and your business. Call me and discuss challenges, cases, logistics, marketing, anything! You receive all the support you need that just doesn't exist out there.
BONUS #6: Success Training ($997.00 Value)
You will receive valuable success training for your business helping you clarify in detail how to set up your prices, how to market nutritional supplements, how to inspire people to action, how to use tools and resources effectively and how to help your clients be successful.
BONUS #7: Discounted Yearly Re-Certification ($1,997.00 Value)
Health Coaches implementing the program will need to re-certify each year in order to be up to date on all levels, refine their skills and perfect their business. Receive 50% off the re-certification price and receive all the benefits, including the patient starter kits as well as all the tools, resources and continued ongoing support.
So... Including ALL of the Above, What Will You Get?
What Else Will You Receive?
A Two Day Certification Course
And Lifeline Method Certification (Good for One Year) $ 3,997.00
Printed Materials and Manuals $ 497.00
Yearlong Customer Support $ 1,997.00
Additional Training Upon Demand $ 997.00
12 Monthly Webinars $ 1,797.00
Marketing Materials $ 697.00
Success Training $ 997.00
Discount Yearly Re-Certification $ 1,997.00
Total Value $ 12,000
However, I realized that this is a very high number and I want to make it affordable. So, for a LIMITED TIME TODAY the whole package is.....
Only $2,997
Priority Order Form
YES! Dr. Pop, I want to order your brand new widget which will make my life 10 time easier.
- I understand that when I purchase this, I'm protected by your 100% money back guarantee and my purchase is absolutely safe.
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P.S. Do remember, the Whole One Year Certification including the Full Two-Day Course with all the tools, resources and support today with a total value or $12,000 is now for only $2,997. Can you believe it?
P. P. S. Aside from the massive discounts and giveaways. There is more room for good news! You can even get this offer in three installments of $1,497. This is for a limited time ONLY. So don't miss the chance and don't wait! Apply now and witness your business soar high as it can!

Dr. Calin V. Pop, MD